Thursday, May 31, 2007

May Entry for ''!

Check out my May entry for ''!

The entry is called 'Fragile' and took me about 2-3 weeks to create (done in my spear time)

Check it out on 'youtube':


This is a clip about a psychotic man that wont's everyone's attention so he

can blow them to smithereens. Basically the clip is about a mad man who

has lost his mind.

Software used: Maya 7 and Quicktime Pro.

Animation created for the 'May animation contest' on ''

Audio is: Ron Burgandy

Rig provided by: 'Tim Oberlander'


Special Thanks to:

Tim Linklater and Paul Van Gaans

All animation by me (Aaron Clement)

© June, 2007.

1 comment:

Carl Campbell said...

Yo Aaron! Thanks for the comment over at Vimeo. The dialogue is looking good, some nice subtle acting overall although I would try and polish the lipsync some more and probably make his expression change at the end a bit more exaggerated.

See ya around =)
